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Resolution Plan

Preparation and Vetting of Resolution Plan or Revival Plan


Resurgent with more than a decade of experience has been able to execute more than 500 Techno - Economic Viability Study (TEVS) including restructuring assignments across sectors of a project encompasses the evaluation of a project for evaluating the technical and financial information about the project, with relevant data about its technological feasibility and economic viability, into one or a few criteria on the basis of which the project is recommended for selection, modification or rejection.


No project can be absolutely risk free and hence the analysis of the degree of technical risk and associated financial viability, through a Techno-Economic Viability Study (TEVS) evaluation is to assist lenders to take a view on the acceptability of the degree of risk involved in a project.


A TEV study takes into account an analysis of technological risk, market risk, regulatory risk, financial risk, etc. A critical evaluation of these parameters is essential for a meaningful TEV study. Resurgent with the right skill sets assists Banks, financial institutions and Resolution applicants to assess the bankability of the Resolution Plans or Revival Plans


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